Tuesday 2 August 2011

Recipe: Primal Cookies

Primal Cookies AKA Jonny Primal’s Marvellous Yumsters
½ cup Desiccated Coconut
½ cup Ground Almonds (Almond flour)
¼ cup Milled Flax, Pumpkin, Sesame Seeds with Goji Berries (or similar milled Flax mix)
¼ cup Set Honey
¼ teaspoon Baking Soda
½ teaspoon Cinnamon
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
2 Eggs
½ cup Chopped/Crushed Nuts (I tend to use Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts & Walnuts)
Approx. 20 fresh blueberries (you can either chop them up or keep them whole.
Approx. 30 grams of 70% Dark Chocolate (chopped finely)

If you only have whole nuts, place them into a freezer bag and bash them with a rolling pin until there are no very large chunks. They should be nicely crushed when you’re done!
Place all above ingredients into mixing bowl and mix thoroughly until a moist paste is formed.
Butter your baking tray and place approximately 12 ‘dollops’ of your mixture onto it.
I always try to make them fairly flat from the outset as they will spread.
Place in the top shelf of your oven and cook on Gas Mark 4 for 15-18 minutes. They should be a nice brown colour when ready. Bring out of oven and place on cooling rack. Should be ready to eat after about 10 minutes! Enjoy & let me know any successful variations you make to this receipe!

Further Note: The Milled Flaxseed that I use is produced by Linwoods and can be found in Sainsbury’s and Holland & Barrett in the UK. Feel free to replace this with either Almond Flour or Desiccated Coconut as either work very well.